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Saturday, November 22, 2008

So sorry everyone for not posting for such a long long time.I will try to post as soon as possible next time.Anyway i just got back from my choir camp.Okay,it was quite fun and i really wnjoy it alot.The bad things is that I am so tired.I just came back carrying my big bag.It was so heavy that when i came home,i am so sweaty lor.Some more the moment i came back the first thing i did was to put my bag down.Second thing is that i rushed to the kitchen,got a cup and quickly open the door of the refrigerator and get cold water to drink.Anyway,during the camp,we went to pasir ris park.I went there to roller balde.At first,i cannot even balance but after a while,i manage to^^YEAH!!!Anyway my friends also dun know how gto play but they eventually know how to.Next time i go pasir ris even if i dun know how to ride bicycle,i also can roller blade hahaha.But too sad cause suddenly raining.However,yu guo tian qing,the rain stopped soon,So,we continue playing.Such a rotten luck cause when i came down the slope,i could not stop myself so i have to purposely fall down to stop myself but in the end i fall and cut my hand GRRR.We also played amazing race in the first day.My group is so bad including myself(haha)cause we went to tell the other team that we are still stuck in the other station but it was not true cause we were actually in the other station alr hahas.At last,when we were on the last stop,we were quite irratated because we cannot find the shop.They told us a clue say'ice cube'.We thought is ice cream or ice and we went to macdonald,7-11,cold storage and fairprice to search for the station master but we failed.As we decided to give up and head back to school,we saw a ice cream shop name'ice3'.That time everybody in our group is like what the.Then we saw all the station master there ordering ice cream.We are so tired and thirsty yet they are enjoying the air conditional and eating ice cream yet we haven eaten our dinner.The task is that we had to blow out the candle wax so that we would won the race.As we were blowing,the other group came and we bluff them that the station master is not there and they actually believe it and continused heading forward.At last,they still manage to head back.However,at last,we won the race.YEAH!!!!As for the second day,we play treasure hunt and night trail.As for treasure hunt,the first clue is consume.The moment we saw that ,we knew it is the canteen and we went there and saw a packet the flour.1 of my group member search thoroughly and founda piece of paper and the paper wrote rough surface so we know is the place near the rock climbing and found a packet of wet flour and we found a piece of paper writing the word'rubbish' so we head to the rubbish dump.We saw 2 packet of balloon and took one of them.We could not find the clue so we went to look for the member in charge and they told us to check throughly so we did it.At last ,the clue was inside the balloon.The clue given was glimmering under the sky.The word'glimmering' means weak light so we thought it was star and we went to the parade square to look for it.However,it was not so we went to the place near commerence room but there isn't.So we went to look for the teacher who the member in charge say will help us so we quickly went to look for him.At the very last we get what he was saying and knew that the answer was the member in charge cause they were wearing the lightstick on their hand.So we went to look for them.At last our group wonthe game again and u know what is the prize?The prize was to let the loser to throw flour water at us and i kana 2 on my leg.SIANZZ.Anyway because it is choir camp,so we not only play,we also need to have some choir practise.However, the practise was not quie a good one cause most of the people are slacking and we did not done our warm up properly.Moreover there were only girls and no boys so most of them we are not be able to sing.Except for this,everything went quite smoothly except that we were always not punctual so we cancelled some of the events.

However,i want to thx the students who are planning this camp because they had really put in lots of effort in it and the camp came in quite successfully.Overall,the camp was quite fun and we were quite coorperative with our team member cause we were in one group so we had to complete the given task given.

I will stop here now and continued to write post as soon as possibe.Sorry for letting all of you to wait for me.

it got me home
7:32 PM

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Today is my friend,yan ting birthday.She is my really good friend and i can say that she is my sister!!!Anyway,today early in the morning,my two good friend,jing qing and si jie together with me went to buy cake for her.Seriously this is the first time we bought cake for our friend to celebrate their birthday(although we knew that many people did so).When we were reaching her house,she called us and ask where are we and we lie to her that we were at si jie house hahas and to think that she really believe it.Finally when we were reaching her house,we went to play a prank with her hahas.At first,si jie went to knock the door and went to hide behind the wall but to no avail it was so disappointing because she knew it was us.However,she went to close the door until we knock once again.It was so bo liao cause she is not surprise at all grrr.Okay then we went into her house and began to cut the cake and we took pictures too.
As the cake look like this,the moment i use toothpick to pock a whole in order to put the candle in,part of the cake was ruin by me.In addition,when we were cutting the cake,the cake is being ruin until cannot say anything.When we were eating the cake,what is most funny is that i use the cream and smerged on yan ting face hahas.It was me who started first right after that,jing qing and si jie did that too.Muahahaha.Okay what i am going to say later on is the most funniest part hahas.We went to makeover her.We purposely make her wear short pants hahas.However later on she change back to the same pant that she wore at first haha but we manage to change her clothes.Oh nearly forgot before we makeover her,we told herwe give her present then at first she thought is what but too bad our present is that we all hit her 13 times as she is already 13 years old and i should be really careful because my birthday is coming soon.Whatever it is,today we really had a great time.
After we hand her the REAL present,we went to tampinese mall.The duration was quite long though as we need to change bus.When we reach the interchange about 30-45 min later,i lead the wrong way to tampinese mall so pai seh sia.Luckily we finally get the correct location.Today,i shouldn't had worn the shoes because the shoes make my skin broke it is so painful.Moreover,my leg were aching too.Anyway,the first thing we do in tampinese mall is to buy movie tickets and the show we were watching is high school musical 3.We choose the duration at 4 o'clock.So before that,we went to shop first.
Soon,the movie started and we went into the cinema.Oh we did not buy popcorn and coke and guess what we bought we bough potato chip,green tea,pringles and gopstopper.Luckily we wasn't caught.Let me tell you the movie was awesome but it was too animated but the song was nice too and we enjoyed it very much.The movie was 1 hour and 45 min long and by the time we finish watching,it is already about 6 o'clock.So the moment we finish eating,we went to take our dinner at food court as we wanted to save money and we called japan and taiwan cuisine.The price was real cheap and each person only had to pay $2.40 for it.Quite cheap right.Moreover,we are really full by the time we finish eating.So we boarded the bus home.


This picture is quite funny yeah.

Let me show allof you some of the funny picture of our birthday girl,yan ting.^^

This is the picture whereby yan ting is making her hair look neatly.
As for this two pictures,i took it secretly without her noticing it.HAHAAHA
Anyway as we reach our own destination,we bid each other goodbye and went home and 1 happy day just ended here.
All right i will stop here now and i will post soon.bb.TAKE CARE EVERYONE^^.

it got me home
7:00 AM

Monday, October 27, 2008

Well ok where should i start.First of all i seek for the forgiveness of all of you because i have not been posting for such a long time cause dunno what should i write so those who are looking forward for my post for a very long time i apologize to u all.Okay the examination result is out and phew,the result is better than what i thought so i am really happy.However,i think i did not do good enough as my result wasn't that good.SO,i decided to work harder next year in order to get good results.Oh ya,as for my result,i got 5 a1;1 A2;2 B3;1 B4;1 C6.Not so good right?Anyway,i did my best for this examination so even if i had done badly,i will not feel guilty.The three highest students in class is all my friend.The first 1 was Cindy.I am envious of her because she is the youngest in our class yet she is the cleverest.For your information,she is born in indonesia.Her total score was 791.As for the second in class,she is joel.Although her name is Joel,but do not get it wrong.She is a girl.I do not get surprise that her score was high because she is very hardworking.Whenever i come to school,she is always STUDYING.As for her results,she got 771.As for the third in class,the hilarious one,she got 756 in total.That was not surprising either because she is also hardworking hahas.Unlike me,i am not hardworking hahas.Well,holiday is coming and there is loads of homework waiting for me to do...how i hope that there will be no homework.How disappointing.=(

Alright i have to go now and hope that each and everyone of you will enjoy your holiday.I will try to post as soon as possible.For those who are having their 'O' level,i wish all of u all the best as for those who just finish their PSLE,i wish that all of you will pass with flying colours.


it got me home
5:46 AM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sry everyone for not posting 4 such a long time as i had been busying with my examinations.Today,our last exam which is science finally ended.Phew i can relax now.Too bad,choir is gonna to resume on fri and it is a bad news for me because i there will be lesser time to play hahas.Tomorrow,wed and next monday,there will be marking day.YES!!!Finally,my friends and i decided that we will bw going to play badminton tomorrow.Really looking forward for it because we had not been playing badminton for months.These three days,can finally play around.Haiz now feeling so bored at home nothing to do.Exam coming too busy exam end to free to do anything.What is making me vexed now is that i had nothing better to do.HELP ME!!!I bet that for this year SA2,i will surely get a very bad results lor because the paper is 100 times difficult than SA1.How i wish that there will be no more examinations in the world so that we can play everyday yay!!!But i know it is impossible unless all the paper in the world is used up...CHOI.On the 23rd of oct we will be having our big vacation hahas looking forward but too bad that there will be lots of choir practises during the holiday and my sec 2 tuition will start in DEC already.SIANz.Talking about tuition,sometimes i like it sometimes i hate it i think it is the matter of who is teaching us hahas.Oh ya,about to forget that on the 23rd of oct,it is also a terrifying moment because we are getting back our result alips.I wonder how i will score for it but i think that i will score even lousier than SA1.T_T.Hope that every subjects will pass lor and also hope that i will not drop my rank so much ahaaha.I was wondering why i was so lazy to study.Dun know if it is a matter of emotional or a matter of laziness hahas if it is a matter of emotional,my EQ will be 101% hahas which is more than a normal person.The weather recently had gone from bad to worst.I was really worrying about global warming now.Hope that tomorrow,there will be good weather whereby we can play badminton withought worrying if it is sunny or it is going to rain.Everytime wanna play badminton,there will be rain.So i hope that i will not be so unlucky tmr.I will stop writing now and i hope that all of u will continue to be happy and lucky.Hope that all of u will pass ur examinations with flying colours.^^In addition,i will try to write again in a few days time if i am free so wait for me hahas.=)

it got me home
10:22 PM

Friday, September 5, 2008

wa piang...who is that silly to make use of my friend's nickname to make fun...haha laugh out loud .That person really nth to do lor . Only can do such thing only.
Today i went to hougang mall with my cousin,TING JIE and we really had a great time.We went there and she treated me to pepper lunch.WOW!!!It was so delicious.My cousin really cannot stop taking photo on me haha.I could not get out of her 'Shou Chang Xin' lor.All the photo taken was so chou.
After we go hougang mall,we went to compass point as my cousin wanted to collect notes and we bought bubble tea from cup walker.This time,it was me who treated her.
AT LAST,i went to her home and we went for exercise.First we went to play basketball and wow i had improved in it as my cousin guide me.Secondly,we went for a jog.after the jog ,we done lots of stretching.OMG i am in grae pain HELP.After that we went cback to her home and ate dinner.Finishing dinner,we went to play badminton.Sweat was dripping down from my rosy cheek and i am so tired after picking up LOADS of shutter cock.Actually i wanted to go home but it was so late so i decided to stay overnight at my cousin's house.While using the computer, i was served with a BIG BOWL of bird nest.I was wondering why bird nest is so expensive.YAY i knew the answer now wo hoo.Now, i am still using the computer to search for something.
GTG see ya^^

Yi Fei

it got me home
9:39 AM

Saturday, August 30, 2008

YO!Everyone,i am back.So sorry to update my profile.All of you miss me right.Imiss all of you.Yes finally it is holiday.I can make use of the time to study and cope up with my work.But of course, i will play too.However i will kniow my own limit .Hahas.Is everyone doing fine, i hope so.

yi fei

it got me home
1:12 AM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

OH MY GOD when i changed my blogskin i deleted all my data including my tagbox and my music.Luckily my cousin is there 2 help me.PHEW

it got me home
8:37 AM


Tan Yi Fei
Rough Girl & tough Girl
Serangoon Garden South School
Turning 13 this year


*Soft Toys
*Cute things
*Home sweet home
*to get good result for my EOY







February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008